
Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Les Nouvelles aventures d'Aladin ou comment discréditer le cinéma français

Hello World !!
(Sorry for the english people who read this but this article is in french because this movie is only in french theaters)

L'heure est grave. En effet un nouveau film français vient de sortir en salle. Quel est le nom du film? Euh... Les Nouvelles aventures d'Aladin. D'accord il s'agit d'une adaptation du dessin animé de Disney. Bon cela ne devrait pas être trop mauvais mais pourquoi dire que l'heure est grave? C'est Kev Adams qui joue Aladin. Oh bon sang nous sommes perdus...

Yallah yallah. Qu'est-ce qu'il y a?
L'arrivée d'Aladin. Oh pas ça...
Yallah yallah. Encore toi??!
Ce film n'est pas bien pas biennn
Comme vous l'aurez compris j'ai adoré ce pure bijou que nous a pondu l'industrie cinématographique française. En même temps avec en tête d'affiche Kev Adams je ne pouvais qu'être conquise. Ayant adoré le dessin animé il est vrai que lorsque je fus informée qu'une adaptation était en réalisation j'étais un peu septique. Pourquoi vouloir adapter un tel chef d'oeuvre? Il faudra mettre la barre très haut, me disais-je. Mais j'étais néanmoins intéressée par le sujet alors je fis quelques recherches. Je découvris bien assez vite que le film allait être français. Déjà quelques frissons m'envahirent à ce moment là. Mais le coup de massue fut de découvrir que Kev Adams l'humoriste de talent (à nuancer tout de même) que tout le monde connait (malgré nous) allait camper le rôle d'Aladin. Mais pourquoi ne pas lui laisser une chance de prouver son talent? Tout simplement parce que j'ai eu la magnifique chance de voir Fiston où il figurait et malheureusement je l'ai trouvé particulièrement médiocre (Kev et le film). Alors autant vous dire que je n'étais pas très optimiste quant à son futur film. J'avais comme un mauvais pressentiment et il se trouvait que j'avais raison.

Quelques bonnes idées mais un ensemble désastreux
En visionnant les premières minutes du film, on peut se sentir rassuré, on peut se dire que finalement ce film n'est pas aussi désastreux que ce que montrait la bande annonce -et ce malgré l'introduction en voix off de Cyril Hanouna . J'avais comme un petit espoir, je voulais encore croire que tout était possible. On sait dès les premières minutes que le film sera léger et l'humour omniprésent. Jusque là les petites allusions comiques sont réussies ou du moins elles ne sont pas trop lourdes. Puis arrive le titre du film avec un premier gag qui n'a pas fait rire grand monde dans la salle : la camera se cogne contre le D ou le A d'Aladin (je ne m'en souviens plus pour vous dire à quel point ce film m'a marqué). A partir de ce plan là, le film bascule dans le ridicule le plus absolu.

Je crois qu'ils viennent de voir le film dans sa version finale

Si comme moi vous avez apprécié le dessin animé, sachez que l'histoire du film n'est en aucun cas la même que celle de l'oeuvre originale. On perd toute cette dimension magique et ce côté Mille et une Nuit qu'avait le dessin animé et qui lui donnait tout son charme. Ici l'histoire n'est qu'un enchaînement de blagues ratées. Encore le fait que les scénarios ne soient pas identiques n'est pas dérangeant en soi. Seulement on voit que le scénariste n'a pas cherché à créer un histoire originale qui tient la route. On regrettera ainsi l'absence de travail approfondi sur les personnages. Par exemple l'histoire d'amour entre Aladin et Shallia (la princesse) n'est que très peu développée. On se rend aussi vite compte qu'il n'y a pas de réel travail scénaristique. En effet certaines situations qui ajouteraient une dimension dramatique au film ou du moins une certaine profondeur sont baclées. Je m'explique. A certains moments des personnages meurent -ou plutôt un en particulier qui meurt en boucle; histoire de ne pas heurter les enfants, le personnage de Sam qui raconte l'histoire d'Aladin rechange son histoire afin que le mort revienne à la vie. A la rigueur si cela avait été mieux fait, cette scène aurait plutôt été intelligente. Mais malheureusement ce n'est pas le cas, le personnage est ramené à la vie avec une excuse totalement bateau. Et cette situation se reproduit une seconde fois dans le film ce qui entraîne une certaine redondance. Bien entendu ce n'est qu'un exemple parmi tant d'autres.
Afin de ne pas écrire un trop long pavé je vais raccourcir cette critique car je sens que pourrais écrire beaucoup de pages.

Concernant les blagues... Elles ne sont pas drôles du tout. Pour tout vous dire dans la salle de cinéma seules quelques personnes riaient... et il s'agissait d'enfants! Certaines de ces blagues m'ont même crispées. Par exemple on retrouve des gags sur l'homosexualité, et ceux-ci en deviennent insultants. Ou du moins c'est ce que j'ai ressenti. Je n'ai pas du tout apprécié ces petites touches "d'humour".
Au final on a vaguement l'impression de regarder un sketch qui dure 1h et quelques.
Maintenant regardons de plus près le casting du film. Bon on va tout de suite parler de Kev Adams. Il est médiocre comme il l'a été dans Fiston. On sent qu'il se force, on sent tout simplement qu'il n'y a pas le petit truc qu'ont de vrais acteurs. Je ne vais pas dire qu'il est sans talent, peut être en a-t-il mais dans ce cas il ferait mieux de le prouver et ce très vite.
Audrey Lamy que fais-tu ici? Fuis très loin de ce film
Ensuite du côté de Vanessa Guide (Shallia), rien de spécial à dire en même temps son personnage n'est pas très approfondi donc si on veut vraiment voir de quoi elle est capable il faudra la voir dans un autre film. Jean-Paul Rouve qui lui incarne le Vizir a l'air de se demander ce qu'il fait là.
Et une actrice que j'ai aimé mais qui n'est absolument pas servie par son personnage qui est pratiquement absent et bien entendu non approfondi, je parle d'Audrey Lamy. L'ayant vu dans d'autres films je sais qu'elle est une bonne actrice et elle le prouve encore dans ce film là. Mais malheureusement quand les personnages sont mauvais, quand la trame narrative est mauvaise, quand le film lui-même est mauvais forcément elle est desservie par tout cela.

Bref je ne vais pas m'attarder plus longtemps sur le sujet. J'ai détesté ce film. Je me suis ennuyée en le regardant. Je conseille vivement aux personnes qui ne l'ont pas encore vu de ne pas payer une place de cinéma pour ce film et d'éventuellement le regarder sur internet plus tard -voire même de ne pas le voir du tout.
Mais malgré tout chacun possède des goûts différents donc si vous voulez me faire part de votre opinion qu'elle soit en accord ou non avec la mienne laissez un commentaire en dessous.
Sur ce à la prochaine pour un nouvel article.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Maze Runner : The Scorch Trials - My quick impressions

 Hello World ! It's been a while.

So today I want to share with you my point of view about the movie Maze Runner: the Scorch Trials. Well well well... What can I say? (I'm sure this article will be very short)

I love their facial expression. (irony)
In one word : disappointing
I didn't really enjoy the first one so I didn't expect a lot for the second.
I will be honest with you, I didn't want to see it.
If you are fan of the book, you'll be very verrrryyy disappointed as I was. The story is simply not like the book, it's totally different. I don't care if the director and the movie staff change the story but please, if you want to make something original do it right!
I almost felt asleep while watching the film. The action scenes are what they are : action scenes not interesting at all. The actor's game is bad, the 3D is useless, the storyline is boring, the plot of the
film is very trite... There are many twists but as this movie they are bad.
I won't talk about Dylan O'Brian acting.. He is very pathetic. 

The only thing I really enjoyed was to see GoT actors. But I was a little sorry for them being in this movie too.
There is nothing to say about it. I'm tired of watching blockbusters. I don't want to dwell further on that.
When the third movie will come, don't expect to me to be seen watching it, I'm really done with this kind of film.

So I finished this (short) critic. I'm sorry I didn't write much but seriously there is nothing to say about this movie except that it's bad and boring.

See ya next time and if you watched it too tell me what you think about it in comments right below.

Friday, June 12, 2015

News about the Assassin's Creed movie

Hello World !

We finaly know the name of the new Assassin's Creed game but maybe you still don't know that there will be a movie based on the famous video game. So what does it talk about and what do I know?

First Michael Fassbender and Marion Cotillard will be part of the movie. Fassbender would have the first role and Cotillard... well we don't know exactly.
The story? At the beginning everybody said that it would talk about the first game with Altaïr, but other sources said that it will take place in the 16th century with an other assassin that we don't know yet.
So who's right who's wrong? It's difficult to say.

Last week Ubisoft and Fow shared a poster. We can see on it an eagle so could it be about Altaïr? We'll know more later.

Tell me in comments what you think about it and see ya for the next article.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Assassin's Creed Syndicate: all you need to know

Hello World!

That's it ! We finally got some informations about the new Assassin's Creed game. It takes 2 years to develop it. Ubisoft just showed to the fan the game trailer and presented the game. So let's go !

First we learned that the game is called Assassin's Creed Syndicate and not Assassin's Creed Victory as rumors said.  
The game takes place in 1868 in Victorian London. It's an important time for History because there is the Industrial Revolution. So there are trains and carriages. But there is also poverty.

Evie Frye, Jacob's sister
Jacob Frye
The hero of this game is an assassin named Jacob Frye. He was born in 1847 and has a twin sister : Evie who's more quiet than his brother but it doesn't stop her from being a formidable assassin. They both were raised by assassins. Their purpose is to release London from the Templars who scared the city. Does Evie will be playable ? We still don't know but it could be cool.

Now what's new in this game?
the Kukri is a big knife

Well if we look a little deeper to the weapons there is a new arsenal, and it looks very interesting. Our hero Jacob doesn't have a sword like in the other AC beacuse Ubisoft explained that in the London of the 19th century, nobody can walk down the street with a sword on his belt. So Jacob uses a Kukri (the Far Cry gamers would know what it is ^^), a revolver, a brass knuckles 
and BIG NEW a grapnel. Jacob can also use hallucinogenic darts.

Of course what could be an assassin without the secret blade ? Jacob has it too and like Arno it's a Ghost Blade. He can throw knives too.
But as I said before the big new is the Jacob's grapnel. Thanks to this Jacob can reach roofs more easily. He can also zip line. 
So you could visit London from rooftops.

An other exciting new, we could use carriages and fight on them! Indeed there will be chasing games and in the London of the 19th century there is traffic so you could use vehicules of this period.
The combat system has been revamped. The fights are faster and more realistic compared to the other AC games.

Now you know everything that Ubisoft told us but what's the purpose in this game? The Assassins have to release London from the Templars. For that you could use the surrounding environment to kill your enemies and you have to gather an army thanks to gang wars or to get new territories.

The game will be available on the 23 october of this year for PS4 and Xbox ONE. If you're a PC gamer it will be available on autumn 2015 but there is no specific date. If you want more informations go on the Ubisoft website  (for the french version go there).

So what do you guys think about it? Do you think this game will be better than Unity? Tell me in the comments.

This is the trailer for the game. Enjoy ;)

And here is the announcement of the game with everything explained: (this one is in french)
The english version :

Monday, April 13, 2015

Our world needs us

Hello world.
Today I want to talk about a very special subject.
I'm only 16 I know but I think we-I mean the young people- should be interested by something else than our computer or our smartphone.
For example we could read books-not stupid books of course- which can help us to understand the world where we're living. We could learn new things about different people, different culture...
In short we could be more human because this is one of the big problem in this century : we are dehumanized.
I found a video which talk about that and I totally agree with it. I have the same opinion.
Now watch it. You can leave a comment I'll willingly answer.

Monday, March 30, 2015

What's in the Box? Insurgent-My feelings

Hello World !
One week ago I went to see Insurgent to the cinema. And what can I say about it? In one word: surprising.
I'm explaining. One month ago, I watched the Insurgent trailer on my computer like 80 % of the fans. I admit it when I saw it I was.. a little perplexed about the movie because there were many special effects (and you have to know that I hate special effects -I'll make an article about that soon), and there were concepts which were not in the book like the Box for example.
So yesterday I expected to be disappointed. But then the lights went down and the movie started. Two hours later I went out of the cinema, I was totally dumbfounded.
Indeed, I was pleasantly surprised.

The box, a new concept

 The scenario although it was changed is quite good and allows the spectator who didn't read the book to understand the story - because it's very complex.
The movie lasts almost 2 hours but sinceriously -like said Stephen Amell - I totally lost track of time. The reason? Well it's simple I never was bored.

The special effects are good

The special effects are very well made and there is action all the time, I mean most of the time. But like I said at the beginning I hate special effects and for me, there were too much.
Of course this story which takes place in this apocalyptic version of Chicago needs special effects. I understand that. But this is my opinion.

The Amity faction
Other good point: the images. I literally fell in love with the Amity faction. I expected a lot from the movie for this faction and I have been convinced. The place was like I imagined it when I read the book -except for a few details.
It's very colourful and bright. I loved Octavia Spencer as Johanna but it's really a pity that she doesn't often appear in the movie. Because I know that she's an amazing actress.

Now let's talk about the bad points, because there are some. I noticed 2 big travelling: the first is after Tris cut her hair, we can see Amity people working; the second one.. I don't remember when it is ^^ .
Anyway, it was a good idea but the problem is : the camera moves too fast so the image is blurred and we can't see clearly. So my eyes started hurting.

Second thing and I know that some people will hate me for that -sorry : the actor's set.
Why am I say that? I can hear you scolding me but I have to say it. This kind of movie belongs to the big family of the apocalyptic films for teenagers (and I'm a teenager so I know what I am talking about).
For example I'm sure you know Hunger Games. Well Insurgent (Divergent and soon Allegiant) has the same problematic : the hero who's a teenager or a young adult (often a girl by the way) lives in a strange (dystopian) world where there is poverty and a bad guy who is rich or get the power. People are oppressed. But the hero has something different compared with the others- Tris is divergent, Katniss is a good archer. But suddenly there is a problem and the hero becomes a rebel. At the end the hero saves the world and overthrows the bad guy. Of course there is some love.
This is the classic scenario of this kind of movies. And unfortunately teenagers and young adults love it. People especially young ones haven't a critical mind anymore. Now when someone who's young just saw a movie, he/she will say that it was amazing just because there was action (special effects) or love.
Anyway. About the actor's set I want to talk about Shailene Woodley. She's not a bad actress but when I saw her playing in a movie I feel nothing. I mean for example we can't compare Woodley to Meryl Streep. Do you see the difference? Oh no I have an other example, could you compare Woodley to Naomi Watts or Kate Winslet (who are in this film) ?  Of course Shailene isn't the worst actress I ever seen but she's not the best too. But you know she's good for this sort of movies which are superficial. I talked about Woodley but she's not the only one-I think about Ansel Elgort for example.

So in conlusion : this movie is good. It's not a masterpiece but it's not that bad for passing the time. I forgot to talk about the music but it was good actually, it accompanied well the movie. If you like dystopian films you're gonna love this one. But if you prefer amazing movies with great actor's sets, move along. That's all I'm gonna say today.

And you, did you see Insurgent? What did you think about it?

The Insurgent trailer if you haven't seen it yet :

Friday, March 20, 2015

The return

Hello World!

It's been a long time i didnt come here. So now i'm back and I promess I won't leave this time.

But you know I'm young, I'm still a student so sometimes I have work, a lot of work.
Many things happened when I was absent. The Legend Of Korra ended (to my big regret), new video games came out, new movies too.... Anyway I'm late and I have to fix it.
So let's go!
I'm back in business !!